Leslie Tamminen, Seventh Generation Advisors, Santa Monica, California
Leslie Mintz Tamminen is the director of Seventh Generation Advisors, a nonprofit environmental organization in Santa Monica. In 2006, she founded the Clean Seas Coalition, where she spearheaded efforts to create and pass California’s SB270 law to ban single-use plastic bags. Formerly, Leslie was a special advisor to Lt. Governor John Garamendi, and the legislative director and staff attorney for the California environmental nonprofit organization Heal the Bay, where she was responsible for development and implementation of statewide water quality regulation and legislation, including the first federal pollution limit for trash in an urban river. In 2003, Leslie worked to pass and implement California’s Education and the Environment Initiative, the state’s requirement for environmental education principles and curricula development in all core disciplines in K–12 public schools.
Leslie Tamminen